Recipes for the Road: Tahini Tomato Toast.

10 mins | easy | vegan

As you travel from place to place in a van it can be tricky to find a quick lunch on the go that doesn't contain dairy or meat. Service station offerings are often fake meat or nothing at all and lets face it - a garage sandwich and a packet of crisps is not really an ideal option, costing more than what the satisfaction level is worth and creating litter.

And when you’re in more remote places you’ll be lucky if you can find anything but grey meat filled pastry goods for options on the go. But what you will find are farm shops with loaves of bread and fresh, tasty tomatoes.

This recipe was created after one particularly crap hour driving around trying to find something to fill a hole while in-between Dover and Folkestone. I was in a beautiful place but sandwiches all had meat or cheese in and salads contained poor quality eggs and frustration was setting in along with the hanger. I did a mental check on the van pantry and grabbed some tomatoes, rocket and sourdough and found a nearby coast road to park on. Monty sunbathed in the grass while I knocked up this recipes in minutes, sitting on the bank to enjoy it while looking at the epic view and marvelling at the trains whizzing by below about to disappear under the sea - it still blows my mind that is possible.


2 slices good quality sourdough

2 x glugs garlic infused oil

2 handfuls cherry tomatoes (about 200g)

1 handful rocket

2 tbsp tahini

1 tbsp maple syrup

1 tsp vinegar (I use apple cider as that’s what I have in the van)

1 tbsp tamari

Juice of 1/2 lime

salt and pepper

Small handful pumpkin seeds (optional)


Pop one glug of your garlic infused olive oil into a skillet or frying pan (I love using a cast iron one for toast) and heat. When it starts to smoke pop your sourdough into the pan. Cook on each side for about 2 mins, checking it often to make sure it’s not blackening too much.

While your toast cooks half your tomatoes and throw into a bowl with the rocket. Pop the dressing ingredients together (tahini, maple syrup, vinegar, tamari, lime and other glug of garlic oil) in a small bowl and stir to mix. Throw the dressing onto the tomatoes and rocket.

Once your toast is done arrange onto a plate and top with your tomato and tahini mix then sprinkle with a bit of salt and pepper and a sprinkle of pumpkin seeds. Enjoy the view!

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Suffolk: The Shingle Street Shell Line.


Things To Do: Foraging and Natures Food with Wild Folk and Flavour Fred.