Recipe: Dairy Free Lemon Drizzle Bundt Cake.

Recently I’ve been inhaling much of Michelle Obama’s output. I LOVED Becoming on audiobook - a listen that will stick with me, with a big takeaways about how we choose to let life happen. But on her newest book launch, The Light we Carry, Michelle released a show with Oprah and her podcast too. On the podcast she talks a lot about who sits at her kitchen table and the importance of it. It really struck a nerve.


I used to love hosting at mine, and having friends pop in for a cuppa. But since 2020 I’ve not really invited more than one friend over. Listening to Michelle speak about how the kitchen table plays a huge part in supporting each other, learning about each other and sharing our wins and fears, I realised it was high time I started to open up my door and laying the table to gather friends again.

Not only does it provide an opportunity to catch up but also the process of laying a table for friends is so enjoyable, even if just to serve up a slice of cake. Because my life has been in limbo I have little matching or cohesive tableware but it didn't matter, my mismatch of things and the plate placed on top of ramekin to hold the cake only added to the informalness of an afternoon well spent chatting.


I love to bake a cake for friends, they are so easy and can make your guests feel so special. Eying up my small basket of lemons that were about to turn I got baking, opting for a bundt cake because they look so lovely.

This recipe is an adaptation of this recipe, which you can use if you aren’t bothered about the cake being dairy free.


150g vegan block

100g coconut oil

300g caster sugar

4 eggs

225g plain flour

4 eggs

3 tsp baking powder

Zest and juice of one lemon (unwaxed)

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 splash of vegan cream

Pinch of salt

To ice

3 tbsp icing sugar

Juice of 1 lemon

To decorate

Rosemary sprigs and flowers (if in season)

Lemon peel


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4.

  2. Grease a clean, dry bundt tin

  3. Cream together the butter, oil and sugar in a food processor or with a hand mixer

  4. Add in the eggs one by one, mixing in slowly

  5. In a large mixing bowl, start folding the flour, baking powder and salt into the mix and mix through, not overworking the batter

  6. Add the lemon zest, juice and cream and mix until all the ingredients are combined into a fluffy, pale batter

  7. Transfer to the greased bundt tin and smooth into the tin with a spatula

  8. Bake in your preheated over for 45-50 mins, testing with a skewer - if it comes out clan your cake is ready

  9. Leave to cool in the tin for approximately 20 mins and transfer to a cooling rack by placing over the tin and turning upside down to release the cake. You might want to tap the tin a few times to encourage a clean transfer

  10. Make the drizzle by putting the lemon juice and icing sugar into a pan and mixing together, heat on the stove until the mixture starts to boil

  11. Turn off the heat and pour over the top of your cake

  12. Decorate with edible flowers and rosemary or chocolate eggs


Money: How I Got Out of 15k of Debt.


Interiors: Sanding and Painting a Mid Century Table & Chairs.